advantages of dry stack storage

Traditionally boat storage is associated with marina wet berths, moored vessels and trailored craft, although in recent years, dry stack boat storage has had a surge in popularity. This kind of boat storage allows for lower maintenance cost, higher value for boats and more reliable usage for boating enthusiasts. This kind of storage has many benefits over the typical marina wet berth storage system.

  • Convenience: Storing your boat in a dry stack facility saves a massive amount of time as there is no need to tow it to and from a boat ramp. We can have the boat fuelled and provisioned for you - this allows for more time on the water and less time worrying about reversing your boat into the ramp and or the fuel pump.

  • Here is an example: Let’s go fishing! Ok… here is how it works when you keep your boat at home.

    ƒ Hook up the trailer to the hitch, pack the boat...............15 minutes

    ƒ Travel Time to the boat ramp...............................................30 minutes

    ƒ Stop for gas, bait and ice........................................................15 minutes

    ƒ Prep the boat for launching................................................... 5 minutes

    ƒ Wait for your turn to launch....................................................10 minutes

    ƒ Make three attempts to back trailer down ramp.............10 minutes

    ƒ Launch the boat [someone has to help!] .......................... 5 minutes

    ƒ Search for a parking space to park the trailer ................ 5 minutes

    ƒ Walk to the boat dock and wait for boat .......................... 5 minutes

    ƒ Go Fishing.................................................................................... 4 Hours

    ƒ Wait in line for an opportunity to dock............................... 5 minutes

    ƒ Walk to car and get in line to retrieve boat......................10 minutes

    ƒ Make three attempts to back trailer down ramp............10 minutes

    ƒ Trailer boat..................................................................................5 minutes

    ƒ Unpack boat and strap down for travel.............................10 minutes

    ƒ Travel Time to home................................................................30 minutes

    ƒ Wash down boat ......................................................................15 minutes

    ƒ Wait to dry before putting back in garage .......................15 minutes

    ƒ Make three attempts to back trailer into garage.............10 minutes


    Total Time spent fishing ............................................................... 4 Hours

    Total Travel Time dealing with boat to and from................... 3 Hours

    Total Time Invested ........................................................................ 7 Hour

    Result…. It takes nearly a full day to go fishing for 4 hours

  • Safety: Wet berth storage and or mooring a vessel may suit some boat owners; however, it leaves the boat unsupervised for long periods of time. Our facilities store your boat in a locked, secure, warehouse with 24 hr video surveillance so you can rest easy knowing your boat is safe. It's also extremely hard for your boat to sink when its stored on land.

  • Maintenance: The maintenance cost of owning a boat is a big turn off for some potential boat owners; especially in salt water, boats deteriorate over time and lose a lot of their value. Storing your boat in a dry stack facility will keep it away from the harsh elements and allow it to retain its maximum value for the longest period of time.

  • Environmental Impact: Dry stack storage facilities are not only a better use of space, they also reduce the impact on the environment by keeping fuel and oil out of our waterways. By ensuring that your boat isn't sitting in the water 24/7, we reduce the negative effect that anti-fouling paint has on the ecosystem.

  • Valued Retained: Dry stack storage will negate the requirement to anti-foul your boat which will give you a higher resale value and a better fuel economy.It will also mean you won't have to pay to have your boat anti-fouled every year.

  • No Trailer: Dry stack boat storage eliminates the need for a boat trailer and even a car to tow it. Why not sell the 4 wheel drive for a sports car?

    What this means for you is a much more pleasant overall experience and much much lower maintenance costs for your boat.